Yokohama Beer Magazine
Minor Press

After failing in numerous attempts over the years to attract tourism through costly citywide events, Yokohama struck on a simple but clever idea: let’s promote the city through beer. Specifically, some junior employees envisioned a one-off magazine that showcased the city’s rich beer history and culture. Thus was born the Yokohama Beer Magazine.

Yokohama was the birthplace of Kirin beer, so naturally the magazine contains pages about the company’s history and educational brewery tours. But much of the magazine also focuses on Yokohama’s amazing craft beer scene. Naka-ku has one of the highest concentrations of bars serving craft beer in Asia, and the city itself boasts three really good craft breweries. A handy map contained in the magazine indicates all the places where you can quaff some craft. Most visitors to Yokohama will not want to focus entirely on beer and so the magazine offers other entertainment options, including jazz spots, shopping areas and other tourist attractions.

The magazine is B5 size with 28 full color pages. It’s bilingual and free. Although on the slim side, it contains a wealth of essential information for beer fans.

全市を挙げて長年にわたって観光客誘致のための様々な取り組みをしてきたが、今一つパッとしなかった横浜市は、簡単で良いアイデアを思いついた。ビールを通じて横浜を盛り上げようというのである。まず若手の市職員が中心となり、横浜のビールの歴史と文化を紹介する雑誌を作ることを企画、こうして「Yokohama Beer Magazine」が誕生した。


Closely Watched Trains
Borderless Reading

Czech author Bohumil Hrabal’s “Closely Watched Trains” is a classic of literature and the screen, winning the Best Foreign Language Oscar in 1968. The novella is a coming-of-age story about Milos Hrma, a young train station attendant in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia.

The story begins with humor as the train dispatcher, a man experienced in the ways of women, tries to educate his young colleague about love. We soon learn that Milos is a virgin with feelings for Masa, one of the conductors.

The innocence of the setting and situation is broken when a Nazi supporter is posted there. The humor, albeit with darker overtones, continues as Milos tries to lose his virginity. Then word comes that the Nazi resistance is going to bomb the station. Will Milos, so concerned with his virginity, see the larger responsibility and assist the resistance?

A Japanese translation of the novella by Iijima Shu appeared only this past year from Shoraisha. Hrabal’s “Too Loud a Solitude” is also a splendid novella and possibly even superior in literary achievement. “I Served the King of England” is also well known, but more entertaining reading than literature with moral complexity.





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