Minor Press

Small, free, independent music magazines abound in Japan and the vast majority of them disappear into obscurity (or under piles of similar magazines at live houses and record stores). We’ll give a nod to any publication that lasts beyond its 3rd issue. And we’ll give a shout out to a magazine like Destination that is not only producing its 6th issue, but also bilingual in many parts of it! OK, some of the translations are a little rocky but we know from our own experience and from other magazines introduced here (like Outdoor Japan), that bilingual publishing can be really challenging. So can following an ever-changing underground music scene in Japan, but this little square journal of about 48 pages (as of #5) does some justice to the cause. Destination mostly includes interviews with influential musicians and industry minds, and its scope is international. There are also some CD reviews and other topical columns. Destination is ground zero for a lot of its content, so definitely pick up a copy if you are a music fan or devotee of minor printed matter journalism. 音楽関係の情報に力を入れたフリーペーパーは巷に溢れていますが、そのほとんどは創刊後まもなく消えていくか、ライブハウスやCDショップなどでは似たようなフリーペーパーが山のように積まれている中で下のほうに埋もれていく、そんな運命です。創刊から第3号くらいまで続けばまだマシなほう。そんな厳しい状況の中、「デスティネーション」というフリーペーパーは創刊以来、最新号で第6号を数え、しかも記事の多くはバイリンガルで大変充実した内容になっています。本誌でこれまで紹介してきた他のバイリンガル雑誌(アウトドアジャパンなど)を見ても分かりますが、バイリンガル雑誌を作ることは簡単ではありません。絶えず変化してゆく日本のミュージックシーンの情報をバイリンガルで発信し続けることは大変ですが、「デスティネーション」はその理念にしっかりと向き合い、地に足のついた誌面作りをしています。有名ミュージシャンへのインタビューや音楽業界での評判などが主な記事ですが、海外のミュージシャンも取り上げているのでかなり幅広い内容です。その他にCDの論評、時事ネタなどのコラムもあります。約50ページのボリュームを誇る「デスティネーション」には最新の音楽情報が満載されていますから、音楽好きなあなたも、小ネタ好きなあなたも是非読んでみて。

Borderless Reading
My Name is Red

Turkish author Orhan Pamuk, the 2006 winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, has published an array of novels with complex stories and themes. Identity, however, seems very much at the heart of many of them.

White Castle (1985) is about an Italian scholar in the 17th century who is captured by the Ottomans and taken into slavery. His master looks much like him and the novel explores whether they can actually exchange identities. In The Black Book (1990), the protagonist assumes the identity of a reporter as a way to search for his missing wife (whom he believes has run off with that same reporter). The real theme of the novel is storytelling as a way of constructing your identity. His most internationally celebrated book is My Name is Red (1998), a murder mystery told by narrators that change with each chapter. Their accounts give us clues to guessing the identity of the killer. In Snow (2002), Pamuk best portrays contemporary Turkish identity through the story of a poet returning from exile who is caught between the poles of politics and religion, the modern and the traditional.




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